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So you are converted to winter tyres, but why use a set of winter wheels?
- A second set of wheels for your winter tyres is far more economical than having your tyres changed over twice every year. With tyre fitting and balancing prices rising, having your summer and winter tyres switched can cost as much as £80! followed by the same cost to re-fit your summer tyres to your vehicle after the winter means that you could be spending £160 per year on tyre services - versus from £189 for 4 wheels to fit your tyres to which will last many years!
- Our winter alloy wheels are carefully selected wheels, from a range of high quality major wheel manufacturers who produce wheels that are intended for use in cold temperatures and salty roads. These wheels have a high quality lacquer coating which is tested for quality as part of the TÜV approval process. These tests include simulated abrasion and climatic conditions including Ultra Violet light longevity tests. There are many more elements tested by TÜV to ensure that the production quality meets the required standard.

- In winter UK roads suffer with a dramatic increase in potholes causing millions of pounds worth of damage to your wheels and tyres every year. A set of winter wheels and tyres from MrWinterWheels.co.uk will be far cheaper to replace than your orginal wheels. For example a typical price of a replacement alloy from your vehicle dealership is in the hundreds of pounds. If you damage a wheel from your winter set, a steel wheel could cost as little as £50 to replace and an alloy from only around £80. In all, protect your expensive summer wheels, in winter where the likelihood of
wheel and tyre damage is far higher.
- Having a second set of wheels for winter also allows you the opportunity to reduce the size of your wheel and tyre setup on your vehicle - this is very common in Europe. For example if you have a 17" wheel and summer tyre fitted to your vehicle, you may have the option to drop by an inch to a 16" wheel and winter tyre. The cost of winter tyres increases with wheel diameter, so you may pay £100 per tyre for a 17" winter tyre only, if however you reduce your setup to a 16" you may get both a wheel and a winter tyre for the same cost. The other benefit is that generally winter tyres have greater performance in a higher profile tyre.
You may be concerned about changing to a smaller tyre but there is no need to be concerned - when you reduce a wheel size, the tyre profile would increase so that the diameter of both new and old setup are the same. Our website will advise you exactly what is suitable for your vehicle, everything we offer is as your vehicle manufacturer would supply and is fully TUV approved and guaranteed to fit.